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The Conspiracy of Love

For an adult, nothing seems to fly by as quickly as the month of December. The crazy downward ride towards the 25th when a whole year seems to have to be squeezed into one single day.

It is stressful. It is demanding. Better not forget anything or anyone.

Yet the spirit of the day, indeed the whole season, is meant to be one of togetherness, sharing, loving, bonding and cherishing.

Many families keep it together. Strained relationships are put on hold. Others are rekindled. Some only to maintain appearances for the brief period whilst others benefit from a new beginning. The Christmas air is a little like spring: it brings a sense of hope and possibilities.

There is also the bittersweet version of the festive season. The meaning of it translated into monetary splurges; presents wrapped to buy the affection rather than the affection to feed the heart. We try to fit our sentiments into boxes and bags. The beautiful bows will keep us tied in together. For another day, for another week, perhaps even another year.

“Christmas is built upon a beautiful and intentional paradox; that the birth of the homeless should be celebrated in every home.”

G.K. Chesterton,

For some, Christmas is a time of heartache. The absence, strain or explosion of significant relationships can be even more deeply felt at this time. For some, the loneliness can be unbearable. Times are not of jolly but of sad and depressing triggers. Where is love when we need it most?

I may be old school, romantic, perhaps even a little naive. But there is something else different at Christmas time. We tend to make an effort. We think more about the consequences of our actions. Rightly or wrongly, we question what we should be doing more profoundly than at any other time during the year. We hold back on big decisions. Unless it's a big present, we take better care. Just like the fragile presents we wrap, we care for the hearts of those around us. We give more to others. Despite the stress and the rush, we smile and we wish each other a "Merry Christmas". And we generally mean it.

Wouldn't it be lovely to extend those sentiments and goodwill all year round? Wouldn't this world be a better place! No money needed; just our love and respect for one another.

A true gift.

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”

Hamilton Wright Mabie

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